Reunions can take place via a phone call, video call or in person. It’s often best to begin with a video call. Prepping your adopted child for a video call is important because at times it can be awkward. Often, there will be delays in the video feed, an interpreter assisting with language barriers, as well as preparing them for the differences between the way most Ugandans and Americans typically express themselves. In general, Ugandans are more reserved, they do not overshare or show an overabundance of emotion. Explaining to your child that they may not be as smiley as they may be used to from living in America will be helpful. Preparation is key for a smooth first video interaction. It is often difficult to think of things to say amidst the overwhelming moment of seeing their extended family, so helping your adopted child prepare a list of questions or fun things to share about their life in America ahead of time is crucial .