Kugatta is excited to share about our new initiative, The Yamba Program! While Kugatta is certainly all about bringing families together, we also care deeply about empowering the Ugandan families on our program. Yamba in Luganda means helping and supporting. This program is intended to do just that. After an in-depth analysis of the family member’s socioeconomic status and well-being, we will work with the family to determine a business model that has the highest probability of success. Prior work and trade experience, physical ability and interests are all taken into account when making this decision. Once this decision has been made we bring in a business professional that has achieved success within the same field the family member will be doing. One of the best parts of this program is how we have decided to incentivize paying back the loan. Once the loan has been paid back, that money remains available to that family only. Therefore, they always have this source of income to borrow against in order to grow their business further or to begin new projects. We currently have families finding success with piggery, charcoal, coffee, small shops and kiosk businesses.
If you are interested in becoming an integral part of this community by donating or volunteering your time and expertise to empower a family through the Yamba program please message us below and let us know!